Dr. Melany M. Ciampi is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently is the President of World Council on System Engineering and Information Technology (WCSEIT), President of Safety Health and Environment Research Organization (SHERO), President of World Council on Communication and Arts (WCCA), Vice-President of Sciences and Education Research Council (COPEC), Vice- President of Fishing Museum Friends Society (AAMP) and Secretary of Education Society of the IEEE (IEEE-EdSoc). She is also Chair of Intersociety Cooperation Committee of Education Society of the IEEE (IEEE-EdSoc) since 2011, Co-Chair of Working Group "Ingenieurpädagogik im Internationalen Kontext" in IGIP (Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik) since 2002, Member of Strategic Planning Committee of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) since 2009 and Board Member of "Global Council on Manufacturing and Management" (GCMM) since 2004. She is Member of Board of Governors of International Council for Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH) since 2000, Member of Board of Governors of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) since 2000 and Member of Board of Governors of World Council on System Engineering and Information Technology (WCSEIT) since 2012. She was Vice-President of "Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik" (IGIP), President of Brazilian Chapter of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc), Member of Executive Committee of IGIP, State Councilor of Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) and Manager of International Relations of SENAC School of Engineering and Technology. She is Member of IGIP (International Society for Engineering Education), SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), INTERTECH (International Council for Engineering and Technology Education) and RCI (Cartagena Network of Engineering). She was the first American woman Professor to receive the title of "International Engineering Educator" of IGIP. She received numerous honors due to his services to Scientific Commonwealth and Technological Cooperation among them: Award of the International Council on Engineering and Technology Education, Award from the International Council on Engineering and Computer Education, Award of Recognition of International Society for Engineering Education and Medal of Brazilian Association of Civil Engineers. She is Senior Member of IEEE. She received the IEEE Edwin C. Jones Jr. Meritorious Service Award of 2011. She has over one hundred and fifty published articles in several conferences and journals. Dr. Melany M. Ciampi coordinated and participated in dozens of organizing committees of events, where we highlight the following conferences that she was the Technical Program Chair: CBPA'2001 (Environment Brazilian Congress), INTERTECH'2002 (International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education), CBPA'2002, ICECE'2003, CBPAS'2003 (Health and Environment Brazilian Congress), WCETE'2004 (World Congress on Engineering and Technology Education), CBPAS'2004, GCETE'2005 (Global Congress onEngineering and Technology Education), CBPAS'2005, WCCSETE'2006 (World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education), EHWC'2006 (Health and Environment World Congress), GCMM'2006 (Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management), ICECE'2007, SHEWC'2007 (Safety, Health and Environment World Congress), WCCA'2007 (World Congress on Communication and Arts), INTERTECH'2008, SHEWC'2008, ICECE'2009, WCCA'2009, SHEWC'2009, INTERTECH'2010, WCCA'2010, SHEWC'2010, IGIP'2011 (IGIP International Symposium on Engineering Education), WCCA'2011, SHEWC'2011, ICECE'2011, INTERTECH'2012, WCCA'2012, SHEWC'2012, ICECE'2013, WCCA'2013, SHEWC'2013, WCSEIT'2013 (World Congress on Systems Engineering and Information Technology), INTERTECH'2014, WCCA'2014, SHEWC'2014, ICECE'2015, WCCA'2015, SHEWC'2015, WCSEIT'2015, INTERTECH'2016, WCCA'2016, SHEWC'2016, WCCSETE'2016 e WCSEIT'2016.. She also is International Chair of Frontiers in Education Annual Conference (FIE) since 2003 and participated as a member of committees in more one hundred international conferences and journals. She has taught courses and lectures in five continents over 30 different Countries. |